Friday, July 12, 2019

J.H. Elliott - Scots & Catalans: Union & Disunion

One of the most overlooked and often unremembered aspects of Scottish history is the people of the highlands were refugees and migrants en masse. We are talking millions of migrants traveling to the far corners of the world. They had an immense impact on places like New Zealand, with Dunedin actually being a Scottish Gaelic name for Edinburgh, and the whole city of Dunedin is actually based on the street layout of Edinburgh. There were 2.6 million migrants leaving in only a number of years, 600,000 of these went to England. Remarkably Scotland has probably learned a thing or two about immigration after seeing her sons and daughters flung to the far corners because Scotland has taken in a third of the UK's Syrian refugees in the last couple of years.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.