Monday, July 22, 2019

John J. Mearsheimer - The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams And International Realities

In the age of now, the Anthropocene, society in the global world is in a post-Global Financial Crisis world, where the failings of capitalism were shown. The capitalism economy is still impacting the world in severe global emissions and one the greatest emitters in the world is actually the great sacrificial death machine, the US army. Realism and Marxism have never been more important than now, and when it comes to the international actors, being states in the neo-realist lens, to be in a state is to have power and a state offers security and protection. You can only see how non-state peoples struggle, like the Rohingya and other stateless peoples. States are selfish, they are the bullies. To live in a state is to have power. Classical realism still has a purpose as seen in Syria where there is still an evil dictator overwhelmed by the power and will use it to make others suffer at their hands. The way to understand the world's problems is a shift towards a neo-classical realist lens.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.