Monday, July 29, 2019

Stephen Van Evera - Causes Of War

World peace - the great unattainable goal by humanity, rests on the premise of two paths. The first path is the path of the USA and its allies. To basically forge and keep alliances creating a western liberal hegemony, but alas it is not peaceful, because what is created is, in fact, a war machine that has siphoned trillions of dollars into over the last hundred or so years. The second method is by China. Have little or no alliances and create your military in a way that frightens other states so that the nation's military basically becomes a deterrent to others and there can be more resources to face existential threats that pose greater risks to humanity (like climate change.) It should also be noted that China has not spent a single cent on a war for the last 50 or so years. A military can do many things, like plant trees and care and rescue people if a natural disaster took place. It is not solely used for fighting wars.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.