Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Celtic Miscellany

There is a sacred text in the history of the Gaels that no-one knows who actually wrote, it is called the Lebor Gabala Erenn. The stories that are told in this book are magical, not only is there the story of Goidel Glas the creator of the Goidelic languages but the story takes the wonderful journey of the Gaels up through the Mediterranean, where they stop in Malta and Sicily. This is not completely farcical, as the ancient Phoenicians travelled throughout the Mediterranean. There is linguistic similarities with Gaelic and Maltese explored in the book Scots: A Genetic Journey by Alistair Moffat and James F. Wilson. After Malta, they sail to Spain and spend time there. Mil was one of the Gaels and there is a second Scota who is also a daughter of a Pharoah, along with the other Scota who marries Nel, son of Fenius Farsaid. After settling in Spain, they become the sons of Mil, the Milesians and they view Ireland from a telescope and sail to it. There were some Greek historians like Strabo who was based in Spain who can back up that there was movement between Spain and Ireland of Celts.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.