Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Nigel Tranter - The Wallace

The movie Braveheart had many untrue moments. First of all the kilts, they were wearing in the film did not come to much later, about the 1500s. Then, of course, Scotland had much better equipment that is portrayed. Some remarkable facts about Wallace and Bruce were that Wallace stayed in the Vatican to train as a knight. Bruce also fought in the crusades before his military campaigns really started. There was a man who aided Wallace early on in his campaign against the English was Andrew Moray. He was directly responsible with Wallace for leading the uprising. Moray is not featured in the famous film, and the really remarkable thing is that Moray was going to become Guardian of Scotland, but was killed at Stirling Bridge, so Wallace was given this title after the miraculous outcome of a battle strategy that was the Battle of Stirling Bridge.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.