Monday, September 2, 2019

Robert Burns - Selected By Don Paterson

It will come as a shock to many that Robert Burns accepted a job in the Carribean, but he never went. Scotland although having one-tenth of the population, probably made up one-third of the British attempts to abolish slavery, but although this is true it is under much speculation of how much Scotland did have an impact. Of course, Scotland, or Scots, not the nation but the people were responsible for many conservative movements, you only have to see the amount of Scots fighting for the Confederacy or in Australia where Lachlan Macquarie was the governor of New South Wales and responsible for many atrocities against the indigenous people of Australia. Lachlan Macquarie was from a tiny island of Ulva. James Scobie the man whose death kicked off the Eureka Stockade was in fact Scottish.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.