Sunday, March 8, 2020

Geraldine Brooks - Year Of Wonders

The way of the future should be a frugal way, where one only needs what they should require, for without the toxins of life and life's luxuries then life is complete. Everything shall be accessible at the click of a switch, such is the way of the future. No one will be left behind because there is plenty of time, and travel and waiting will not be an issue. Such is the way of the future and without this instantaneous action then there is no future, for the future is just the flick of a switch away, and the man of the future will be looked on as mad, and without the progressives, there is no one to show the way forward, and without the eccentrics then there is a pale life.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.