Sunday, March 8, 2020

Peter Frankopan - The New Silk Roads

In the future, there will be a barren wasteland, as man has plundered his soils and ruined them. People will fight with one another to stay alive and the bell tower will tell whose time has come as the passers-by will steal from the shelves of their masters. The law is the only thing holding back mankind from resorting to his very primal state, but the law needs obedience and hard work to enforce it, but this hard work is the job of the people, and when the law admits defeat to the strenuous toll that life gives, well then there shall be chaos, and the men will fight it out for everything that it is unprotected, for the law does not want the secret getting out, that the land will plunge the world into chaos and destroy the law.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.