Thursday, March 26, 2020

Unknown - Lebor Gabala Erenn (The Book Of The Taking Of Ireland)

The Scots, the great migraters. They went in search of a new home, and they fought for it, for they are children of war. Then once they settled in a new home, they were dislodged by the sheer evil that pervaded them, for the English would want every bit of land for themselves, the whole world would be seemingly for the taking of the English, but the Scots resisted. They lay their arms across their chest to fight for their people. They were flung to the far corners of the world, without knowing their language and their songs of old, and their descendants would live their lives knowing they were different from the others, but not knowing their story, and it is in the words written here that these people will learn about the sufferings of their ancestors.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.