Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Alistair Moffat - Scotland: A History From Earliest Times

Alistair Moffat is a DNA expert and some of his studies looked at tracing the lineage of some of the people from the far western isles of Scotland. What he found was remarkable, Scots can trace their ancestry back to ancient Mesopotamia. Most of the clans have a single ancestor and progenitor which the clan was named after. For example, Clan Donald can trace their ancestry to Somerled who was a Viking. There are many septs of a clan which can usually all trace their ancestry to the clan. Scottish historians really can trace the first known Scot in the history books was Calgacus who fought the Romans in the Caledonian Confederacy, and some historians like Magnus Magnusson assert that the Scottish nation died at Culloden, whereas some like Tom Devine trace modern Scotland and its diaspora abroad.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.