Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Reinhold Niebuhr - The Children Of Light And The Children Of Darkness

Niebuhr really argues in his works that the way in which mankind shall progress is to understand their rights, and I mean there are many rights like labor rights, animal rights, religious rights, and human rights. Man will progress if he has knowledge of rights. He was also religious and Christian for that matter and preached compassionate values about religion. Of course, many realists like Machiavelli believed religion to have strayed far from its original intentions of charity and compassion. Niebuhr was also American, so for a realist like E.H. Carr to write and think in this manner when idealism was such a mainstream set of values, Carr and Niebuhr would have been very progressive for their times. Neibhur also is acknowledged by President Obama on the front cover.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.