Saturday, May 18, 2019

Reinhold Niebuhr - Moral Man And Immoral Society: A Study In Ethics And Politics

Reinhold Niebuhr basically explores the idea of Marxism 'taking off' in countries and nations that had an existing monarchy class, and not in the existing liberal democracies like the USA who actually tried to contain Marxism for large periods of time in the last 100 years or so. When there is a long-suffering impoverished class who are being severely punished in quality of life by a class of monarchy, who basically think it is their divine right to govern with privilege because they were born into a family, then there is an environment and breeding ground for radical change. Marx basically inspired people to cast off the shackles. Whereas in a liberal democracy if someone was given the choice in an election, part of democracy and it's a natural process, given the choice between strong personal wealth, or a strong state, man's basic state will reveal itself and that it is one of greed. 

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.