Friday, May 24, 2019

Carl Von Clausewitz - Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign

The young and relatively unknown Corsican led his army to success over the Austrian and Sardinian armies, and it is within these pages that von Clausewitz expresses his prowess as a refined military tactician. Napoleon coincidentally was inspired by the Jacobite rebellion as a method of revolutionary warfare in order to achieve political gain with not much in the way of resources. Napoleon is a somewhat intriguing character, hailing from Corsica he was from a somewhat rich family, but his heart and mind were with the working class and him, like many other revolutionary commanders, saw war and to arm the people to gain political leverage, as a way of social and political change. Napoleon hails from Corsica, and Ajaccio specifically and these people the Corsicans are renowned for being fiery and proudly Corsican and not French. This may have played a part in his political views.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.