Friday, June 14, 2019

John Guy - Mary Queen Of Scots

Mary Stuart's partaking in the murder of Lord Darnley is thwart with intrigue. The guards of his household found him outside in the garden naked after hearing a bomb going off. He was not actually killed by the explosion, he was murdered and then the bomb was set off. When he participated in the murder of Rizzio, Rizzio was stabbed around 50 times in the chest. Mary Stuart's whole story of murder and revenge is seriously interesting and is the source of many books. I myself personally own about half a dozen books on Mary Stuart and they are a story of how a strong woman had her power stripped away from her from revenge. But she did succeed in having a child who inherited the throne of the not just Scotland but the British Isles. That was her lasting testament.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.