Wednesday, June 12, 2019

John Lewis Gaddis - Strategies Of Containment

The USA took great pleasure in containing the spread of communism throughout the world, they did it for years last century and proudly championed an unregulated and privatised economy, not that it got them anywhere because of the GFC really proves that capitalism cannot work because as Thomas Hobbes states, man in his essence is naturally greedy. Neo-liberalism is really a deluded perception because there is no regulation, it does not take trusted advice into account, in fact, it rejects advice and the believer is under a delusion of grandiosity. So deluded is this individual driven by greed he will not see his or her impact in the bigger sphere of things. This grandiosity will lead an individual into violence in a totally liberated 'wild west' of every man for himself.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.