Thursday, June 20, 2019

T.M. Devine - The Scottish Nation: A Modern History

Devine specialises in modern history and the diaspora of the Scottish people, but there can be one clear thing to note, even though Scotland gave so much in the industrial age, so many inventions and so many soldiers in the colonisation period, Scotland has never been properly unified and is often torn apart with allegiances. I personally think the purest most Scottish culture was the culture of clans and disbanding this culture lead to the destruction of a people because people are typified by their own culture. The Scottish state was a collection of clans and the king of the day had to unite these different clans, as most often were fighting against themselves. Scottish culture is the clan system, and the language is the Scottish Gaelic tongue. Eradicating this is piercing a dagger blow into a people. 

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.