Monday, November 18, 2019

Alison Plowden - Danger To Elizabeth

I visited Edinburgh and went on a Mercat tour of the Royal Mile. It was fabulous and I learned many things like how the streets of Edinburgh were soaked in effluent thrown out by the citizens, and the rich people would charge others to carry them through the streets on little chairs called a sedan chair. Scotland should also be known for its inventions including the steam engine, steam train, television, the telephone and things like penicillin. Scotland also produced one of the richest men to ever live with inflation, Mr Andrew Carnegie who was a railroad tycoon who owned Skibo Castle in the far north of Scotland. Carnegie although possessing massive wealth was known for his philanthropy and donated millions upon millions to charities.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.