Saturday, November 2, 2019

John McKendrick - Darien: A Journey In Search Of Empire

One peculiarity about Scotland is that the sailor who brought football to Brazil was in fact Scottish. The game as we know it now would be much different without a Scottish influence. The Scotland team of the fifties was right at the cutting-edge, and they developed a type of game that would later dominate European teams with the Italian style of ''pass and move football''. The revolution of Celtic winning the nineteen-sixty-seven European Cup ushered in a whole new era of British teams dominating the European Cup, where it had up until that time dominated by Italian clubs. Celtic and Rangers both of Glasgow are the two most successful domestic clubs in world football (well Rangers were up until their capitulation). There was a whole generation of Scottish players playing in England during the seventies and Alex Ferguson would later go onto to become the greatest ever coach with Manchester United. Scotland in the modern era has not qualified for a major tournament for more than twenty years, but when the new generation emerges it will be in interesting with the likes of Karamoko Dembele.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.