Sunday, November 10, 2019

Moray McLaren - Bonnie Prince Charlie

It is incredible to imagine that once the mighty backdrop of the Scottish Highlands was home to the same amount of people in the Highlands than there was in the Lowlands. Of course, now it is quite the barren and isolated environment. Bonnie Prince Charlie gave his most loyal chiefs special Medusa head targe shields and these are quite rare as there is only a small number in existence. Another peculiarity of the Highlanders is that they charged into battle and shed their plaid to become naked. They were really like the wild barbarians of the highlands, depicted in many drawings of the Picts. Of course, a plaid and kilt are big enough to wrap around a person and keep them warm in the desolate conditions of the Scottish Highlands.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.