Saturday, November 30, 2019

Annabel Carothers - Kilcaraig

The Picts do not get much of a mention so I'm going to go into detail of the known history of them. There are no written records, what is known is that they inhabited the north-east and north of Scotland during the Dark Ages and Early Medieval periods. Everything apart from their list of kings is solid speculation. Venerable Bede a monk knew more than anyone on the subject, he writes that they came from Scythia to Ireland, great seafarers, and when they got to Ireland they asked the Irish for land, the Irish gave them access to Scotland, only bargaining with them they should take Irish wives in payment, and forever onwards their kingship shall trace through the female line. It is called matrilineal succession, and the list of kings of the Picts that survives clearly details that the king is traced from the female lineage.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.