Wednesday, February 26, 2020

David Marr - The Prince: Faith, Abuse And George Pell

One of the most widespread and prevalent religions in Australia is in fact Catholicism. The main answer for this is that there were a lot of Irish convicts brought to Australia, thus bringing their religion and thus it being dominant because we were primarily a convict penal settlement. Marr is an expert in his field of religious criticism and is well known for his observations of the Catholic Church. Some of the weapons at hand for the religious conservatives which they will always guarantee you is their ability to discriminate, and they see that as their right. Thinly-veiled racism and homophobia are the weaponry of the conservatives, and Marr is known for his quote akin to ''Not extending freedom of speech to others is not a right, but a privilege.''

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.