Saturday, February 15, 2020

Henry Reynolds - Forgotten War

Look no further to what the unsettling and unnerving effects of colonialism had on the oldest continuing culture on Earth, a people so at one with the land, with so much intelligence for the natural world. It is alarming to compare the nations of New Zealand with that of Australia. One has a treaty and one has not, and if there should a step towards unity, then a peace treaty with the Indigenous Peoples of Australia, but sadly that won't be enough. To inflict a sort of dangerous violence, indiscriminately on a people who were not used to European standards was volatile. Call it colonial terrorism, for the vision of the Australians, have for the glory of the country, sadly excludes to the original inhabitants. Patriotic Australians see the Aboriginal inhabitants as the enemy and this nationalism and fierce connection to the British, the dangerous foes of basically everyone who is not European, a vast majority of the world. Well, guess what Europeans, you are in the minority.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.