Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Richard Flanagan - The Sound Of One Hand Clapping

The importance of democracy is paramount to human life because criticising governments and fact-checking is astoundedly important. Politicians are getting away with things that ordinary people would be punished for. Saying one thing and doing another. Corruption in supporting the powerful elite who are hell-bent on only supporting themselves. The billionaires are securing their own safety if the world collapsed, and are tightening their grip on the people who control the country. The politicians are merely minions of the doing of the powerful elite. You do not need money to cast your voice and let your voice be heard, this is the basis of human nature. It is a human right. Politicians are ever-increasingly having their decisions made for them, such is the case, they only answer to their master. The importance of criticising the powers that be is the only way people who control the country do not get with anything they want. But they don't like being told how to do their job, so a critic must be valorous.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.