Thursday, February 13, 2020

Robert Service - Stalin

Socialism has got bad appraisals from the West, but let's compare to say, Hitler's Germany. Fascism is about the individual, there is a momentous worshipping of Hitler and all Nazis and neo-Nazis worship Hitler as a central autocratic ruler. Hitler is a discriminatory ruler, it is not like socialism that accommodates all citizens. This is evident in the concentration camp phase of the Third Reich, where many ''different'' people were rounded up and exterminated. Fascism is also very backwards-looking, they aspire to be like the great nations of the past, like Prussia of old, and in the case of Mussolini, ancient Greece. It is evident in socialist countries the quality of life was astoundingly superior to other countries.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.