Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Edward Goodwillie - The World's Memorials Of Robert Burns

Robert Burns was voted the greatest ever Scot in a poll and will remain a strong influence on the English language, as well as the Scots language. Basically, with the Scottish Enlightenment, there were massive advances in economics, philosophy and sociology among other things. The peculiar thing about Edinburgh the city is that it sits on an ancient glacier, the castle sits upon the stone that was in the middle of this glacier, and the city sits around this area. You only have to immerse yourself in the city streets to really grasp the raw power that was the inspiration for the minds of the day. There are plenty of pubs in Edinburgh where there must have been many stories told and ideas exchanged, it is not as Gothic as Glasgow I think, but you can see where the inspiration for the minds that were at work in the city.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.