Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sir Walter Scott - Quentin Durward

Of course, the Scotti have not ruled Scotland for nearly a thousand years. The rulers predominately have been Norman ethnically over the last thousand or so years. Scotland is a mix of the original inhabitants called the Picts; the Scotti who were on the western coast; the Britons in Strathclyde which is modern-day Glasgow; Bernicia ruled by the Angle-Saxons which is modern-day Edinburgh; then later there were the Norse and then the Normans. Sassenach is the Scots Gaelic word for Englishman and the word is derived from the original word Saxon, which itself is derived from Saxony. The Angle-Saxons were only mercenaries for the Roman Empire from Germany who inherited the Roman lands when the Roman Empire started to decline.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.