Saturday, October 26, 2019

Ian Rankin - Exit Music

If the Jacobite rebellion was not about religion, then why did the Catholic Church basically abandon the plight of the Stuarts? With all their muscle and wealth they could not even muster barely a handfull of ships with basic weaponry in aid to the Stuart cause. And then, of course, the reparations of the highland massacres. Where was the Catholic Church then? There is absolutely no justice. To think that people so beautiful, with their songs and dancing and culture, were massacred and taken out of their homes and murdered, really puts it in perspective of the great evil that was lurking in the people of the day. The great evil being British colonialism, responsible for millions and millions of atrocities worldwide for hundreds of years, spreading torture, disease, and slavery. One wonders if there will be ever any justice when it comes to the plight of the highlanders.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.