Saturday, October 26, 2019

Stephen M. Walt - American Primacy: Its Prospects And Pitfalls

In a Hobbsian lens which is a massive influence on neorealism as we now know it, which attributes that the state of nature of mankind is essentially violent and warlike. It is in the state that mediates violence and it is the state which brings about peace, not man. Without a mediation of violence, there would be no peace. Of course, many states will band together in a natural sort of means where they follow the bigger states. There cannot possibly be one global state because of mankind sees differences rather than similarities because there is the aspect of racism in International Relations. There will be prejudice and hate committed towards people who have committed no crime but the only thing they have ever done is being born different, hence why the world above the state in world order is anarchical.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.