Thursday, October 3, 2019

Stephen M. Walt - The Hell Of Good Intentions

The United States of America could arguably be a failed state. For a nation that cannot look after its own people with public healthcare and support for the disadvantaged, then what purpose do they serve? A state must look after its most vulnerable, and no welfare and a solid condoning of capital punishment is not looking after the citizen's best interest. The greatest concept to teach others is the fact that they have rights, and these rights should be protected by the state. If a citizen was to fall unwell or to perhaps be wrongfully imprisoned, then the state must protect them. The United States of America is not a state but an absolute ''free for all''. The purpose of a state is to protect its most vulnerable, and that is the citizens who pay the taxes in order to keep the state strong, without its people basically keeping the state running, a state becomes failed.

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Richard Flanagan - Toxic / Christos Tsiolkas - Damascus

Massive figures in Australian literature.